
Ladeboxen für Elektrofahrzeuge: BELECTRIC Drive und Bosch Software Innovations kooperieren

Die „Charging Apps“ der Bosch Software Innovations GmbH (Berlin) erleichtern Fahrern von Elektrofahrzeugen die Umgebungssuche nach geeigneten Ladestationen per Smartphone, das Laden des Elektroautos und die anschließende Abrechnung über PayPal. Nun wird die Zahl eingebundener Ladestationen um rund 100 intelligente Online-Ladepunkte der BELECTRIC Drive GmbH (Kitzingen) ergänzt.

2015-11-23T16:54:11+01:0023.11.2015|Aktuelles, eMobilität, Region, Unternehmen|

Fostering the adoption of electric vehicles by providing complementary mobility services: a two-step approach using Best–Worst Scaling and Dual Response

There is a substantial gap in research regarding the adoption of electric vehicles as a strategy to remedy the climate problem and reduce oil consumption by integrating complementary mobility services. To address this gap, we employ a two-step approach utilizing a hybrid stated preference method. Study 1 uses Best–Worst Scaling and identifies the top three complementary mobility services consumers would prefer with an electric vehicle....

2015-11-20T14:55:09+01:0020.11.2015|Aktuelles, Branche, eMobilität|

EEVC 2015: EU Förderinfotag zu Elektromobilität

The day prior the Congress, a EU Project day is organized to provide the audience with a complete overview of the different programs supported by the European Authorities (FP7, Horizon 2020, IEE, EUROSTAR, INTEREG, …) & related funded projects dealing with e-mobility, so to identify possible actions, overlaps, synergies and/or gaps.

2015-11-17T09:40:09+01:0017.11.2015|Aktuelles, eMobilität|
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