
Niederländer besuchen Nürnberg: ‚Open Innovation vs Made in Germany‘ (07.-09.12.16)

Our partner Nuremberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) will be hosting an 'Urban Green Mobility' mission in Nuremberg from 7 until 9 December 2016. Scheduled are, among many other activities, visits to Fraunhofer’s Josephs and E-T-A GmbH, a global producer of electric components such as circuit breakers and power management systems. 'The Dutch have proven to be extremely well in 'open source innovation', in which companies and research institutes team-up. In Germany, where emphasis is on quality and quality control, we are not very familiar with this cooperative and creative approach.' Christian Seitz of CCI, who has organised the 'Urban Green Mobility' mission together with Mark Koppers of the Brabant Development Agency (BOM), is convinced Dutch and German companies in electric mobility can learn and benefit from each other’s expertise. Koppers: 'That's whyseveral members of E-Mobility Partners are alreadyinterested in joining the mission to Nuremberg'. Matchmaking 'With this mission to Nuremberg, we want to facilitate the matchmaking between Dutch and German companies', Seitz explains. Besides relatively large companies such as E-T-A GmbH, the Nuremberg region is home to many small and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s) that produce electric components for many industries, but also for the automotive industry. Seitz: 'With the mission we want to match the German talent for industrial production with the innovative creativity of the Dutch.' Josephs: Consumer Testing The Dutch delegation will visit in Nuremburg, among other sites, Josephs, Die Service Manufaktur , a shop in the centre of the city. In this shop companies can test their new products by showing them to consumers, who comment on it and give feedback. The shop is a 'living lab' project of the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits , which has also expertise in power electronics, wheel hub motors and e-mobility platforms. A visit to E-T-A GmbH , a German company with its headquarters in Altdorf close to Nuremberg, is also part of the programme. Seitz: 'As a worldwide producer of circuit breakers and power management systems, E-T-A is interested in working together with automotive companies from Brabant, who have a lead in electric mobility.' For a full programme update and subscription, please contact CCI or BOM. Province of Brabant: Automotive Region Seitz emphasises the match between companies and research institutes from Brabant and the Nuremberg region, should be seen in a larger perspective. 'Just like the Nuremberg region, Brabant is home to many SME companies active in automotive. By bringing both regions together, companies from Germany and The Netherlands have an opportunity to learn from each other and expand their businesses together.' More Information For more information, have a look at the presentations of BOM and CCI in our download centre. For subscription, contact Mark Koppers at BOM, (MKoppers@bom.nl) or Christian Seitz at CCI (Christian.Seitz@nuernberg.ihk.de).

2016-11-14T14:46:17+01:0014.11.2016|Aktuelles, Branche, eMobilität, Region|

E-Fuhrpark für Unternehmen am 17.11.16 bei der Deutschen Post AG in Würzburg

http://emobility-nuernberg.de/files/2016/10/11.-Sitzung-IAWC_Flyer.pdf11. Sitzung des IHK-Innovations- und AnwenderClubs eMobilität "E-Fuhrpark im Unternehmen" am Donnerstag, 17. November 2016, von 13:00 - ca. 18:00 Uhr, bei der Deutsche Post AG (Niederlassung Brief Würzburg, Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 25, 97076 Würzburg) in Würzburg. In dieser Sitzung des IHK-Innovations- und AnwenderClubs eMobilität stehen aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich E-Fuhrpark im Fokus. Unter anderem werden Komplettlösungen, kommunale Praxisbeispiele und steuerliche Aspekte thematisiert. Darüber hinaus kann der Streetscooter der Deutschen Post besichtigt werden. Das Programm mit Anmeldeformular finden Sie unter: http://goo.gl/6GcjCT Die Veranstaltung wird von der IHK Würzburg-Schweinfurt in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Post AG durchgeführt.

2016-10-27T15:32:20+02:0027.10.2016|Aktuelles, eMobilität, Region|
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